Home Care Services Can Be an Effective Alternative to Assisted Living

CareFor’s home care services can help an older adult you love.

If you’re the adult child of an aging father or mother, you’ve likely listened to them explain their wish to remain at home versus moving to a nursing home. The truth is, most seniors want to remain in their own homes for as long as possible – for a number of reasons. Home is the place they have carefully created, so it’s where they feel the most familiar and comfortable. Living at home also brings purpose and meaning to a person’s life. Something as simple as looking at your belongings, reading the mail, or relaxing on the back deck are more significant at home than in a long-term care facility because it is the home that provides the framework of life. The comforts of home provide a sense of tranquility and privacy that cannot be substituted.

And yet, many people, old and young alike, are under the false impression that life in a nursing home or assisted living facility is unavoidable for the elderly. Is it really feasible to age independently and safely utilizing home care services? Actually, in-home care services can be a very effective long-term alternative for many. Residing at home provides not only the comfort of familiar surroundings and independence from rigid routines, but according to Genworth’s Cost of Care Survey, home care can be a much more economical option as well.

To decide if a senior loved one may benefit from the assistance of a skilled caregiver instead of making the significant decision to sell their home and make the move into a nursing home or assisted living facility, pay attention to the level of functioning in the following two areas:

  • Basic Activities of Daily Living: These activities are crucial to caring for oneself, such as taking a shower, putting on clothes, getting in or out of a bed or a chair, using the bathroom, eating, and walking.
  • Activities That Help Maintain Independence: These are activities that include meal planning and preparation, managing finances (writing checks, paying bills), grocery shopping, keeping up a residence/taking care of household chores, properly taking medications, using a phone, taking care of mail, and traveling by way of car or public transportation.

Are home care services a possibility for your older loved one? CareFor can help you identify your senior care options. Our experienced and fully trained caregivers provide you with an alternative to a nursing home or assisted living facility. Call us today at (512) 338-4533 to learn more about our home care services in Austin and the surrounding areas.

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