
  • Holiday Self-Care for Family Caregivers

    Holiday Self-Care for Family Caregivers

    It’s the most joyful time of the year! But, if you’re one of the millions of Americans who is caring for an older relative, the approaching holidays may seem more like the most overwhelming time of the year. Setting aside time for yourself may have dropped to the very end of your to-do checklist, but…

  • Understanding and Preventing Alzheimer’s Wandering

    Understanding and Preventing Alzheimer’s Wandering

    Of the numerous ramifications of Alzheimer’s disease, one of the most alarming is the person’s propensity for wandering and the potential dangers that can occur in the event that the senior becomes disoriented or lost. Alzheimer’s wandering can happen if the older adult is:

  • Helpful Tips for Communicating With a Senior With Dementia

    Helpful Tips for Communicating With a Senior With Dementia

    Conversations with an older adult struggling with all the difficulties of Alzheimer’s, particularly in the middle and later stages, could very well be discouraging – both for you and also for the person with Alzheimer’s. Brain changes affect the capacity to hear, process, and respond effectively to conversations, and it’s up to us to employ…

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