Helpful Tips for Managing Aging Skin Care Issues

It isn’t a facet of senior personal care that is as commonly discussed as other tasks, but is essential to keeping older adults healthy nonetheless. Aging skin care issues can cause a variety of difficulties for seniors, including discomfort, bruising, dryness, itching, and more. 

The home care experts at CareFor work hard to keep seniors safe and healthy from head to toe, and that includes healthy skin. We’ve outlined below some of the more common skin difficulties in aging, and some suggestions to help.


According to Medscape, an overwhelming majority of seniors over age 65 are distressed by itchy, flaky, dry skin, which results from a reduction in sweat and oil glands.

How to help: 

  • The individual should take less frequent showers or baths, utilizing warm (not hot) water, carefully dry the skin, and apply moisturizer.
  • See if “dry bath” products work well for the senior; these clean the skin and hair without the use of water.
  • Try using milder soaps and shampoos, such as those with Nizoral for older adults with special skin conditions, and always apply sunscreen before going outside.
  • Be sure the senior drinks plenty of fluids and uses a humidifier to rehydrate the skin.
  • Stay away from:
    • Perfumes
    • Smoking
    • Stress
    • Too much exposure to the sun


Bruising is a common occurrence in older adults, resulting from thinner skin and less fat and connective tissue that can contribute to a weakening of the support surrounding blood vessels. 

How to help:

  • To reduce the inflammation and size of a bruise, place a cold compress over the bruise for about 20 minutes.
  • Try to elevate bruised areas as much as possible.
  • Encourage the individual to get plenty of vitamin C, which boosts collagen.
  • Help the senior quit smoking, as smoking reduces collagen production.

The caregiving team at CareFor is experienced in helping with aging skin care needs, and we are here to offer support to your senior loved one through bathing/moisturizing, inspecting for changes in the skin, avoiding bed sores, and more. Contact us any time at (512) 338-4533 for more information about our professional home care in San Marcos, TX and the surrounding areas.

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