Are the Benefits of Exercise for Seniors Comparable to Medicine?

If you made a resolution in January to work out more this year, hopefully you’re continuing to stay with it! Adding extra physical activity to your everyday activities is one resolution we should all be putting into action. For seniors, many of whom take a variety of medications for various health problems, this is particularly true. As the top provider of in-home care services in Austin and surrounding areas, we’re excited to share research that shows new benefits of exercise for seniors.

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Senior Depression: Warning Signs


Most people go through times when they simply want to be left alone for a while with their thoughts, to sort out circumstances in their lives without distractions, or just to have some downtime. For older people, however, being isolated for an extended period of time may be indicative of a more serious condition: depression. If your loved one is facing senior depression, how will you know?

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Depression or Dementia: Know the Differences


Spending time with Mom recently revealed several unsettling signs. Though she has always been an early riser, now it’s hard for her to wake up before lunchtime. Instead of going to great lengths to prepare an elaborate home-cooked meal, she would rather just heat up a can of soup and can barely finish a small bowlful. Furthermore, she has lost interest in spending time with her beloved friends from church. Could she be suffering from depression or dementia?

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Is Senior Socialization the Key to Healthy Wellbeing in Older Adults?

family posing with senior loved one

It’s intuitive to most of us that interacting with others improves health and wellbeing. It keeps us connected to other people’s experiences, beliefs, struggles, humor, points of views, and various other human occurrences. However, now scientific studies are determining that socializing with others, and most notably seniors socializing with others, actually may boost the wellness of both mind and body.

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Effectively Manage Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms for Improved Quality of Life

MS Awareness

Though there’s no cure for multiple sclerosis (MS), hundreds of thousands of people in the United States are diagnosed with it – around 400,000 people in fact, and of that, 86 percent of MS patients list fatigue as the most common symptom they’re experiencing. The cause of MS is unknown; it is not a communicable disease or known to be directly inherited, but factors that may come into play include:

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Avoid Depression in Seniors With Chronic Illness: Tips for Finding the Joy

happy senior man playing with his dog

Have you ever started your day and thought, “It’s definitely going to be one of those days!” Perhaps your alarm didn’t go off, the hot water heater opted to stop working, and the dog chewed up one of your favorite shoes overnight. Now consider if every day were “one of those days!” For someone living with a chronic disease, which includes much of the elderly population, the daily struggles and challenges are part of the routine.

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