If an aging loved one with dementia has voiced beliefs such as this, you may have thought to yourself that he or she was just in denial and reluctant to acknowledge such a concerning diagnosis. However, there may be another reason: anosognosia, or a person’s genuine unawareness that he/she is impaired by dementia.
Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s Disease Care 101: Tips for Family Caregivers
Many older individuals with Parkinson’s disease receive most of their care at home from loved ones, particularly during the course of the early levels of the disease. As a top provider of home care assistance in Austin, TX and the surrounding areas, we at CareFor recognize the unique concerns experienced by family members who are … Read more
Learn the Facts About Parkinson’s Disease Progression from CareFor
More common in men, and more frequently diagnosed than muscular dystrophy, ALS and MS combined, Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed in approximately 7 – 10 million people around the world, with an additional 600,000 people in America diagnosed each and every year. And while each person’s encounter with Parkinson’s differs in level of severity, there are five main stages of advancement that are routinely experienced by all.