Tips for Moving an Elderly Parent Into Your Home

COVID-19 cases in nursing facilities and assisted living facilities were devastating, as the virus spread like wildfire throughout our most vulnerable population in such close quarters. Because of this, many families made a decision to move their elderly parents home, which raised a number of challenges to be overcome. 

CareFor, one of the top-rated home care agencies in Georgetown and the surrounding areas, is here to provide you with the information and knowledge you’ll need to ensure a smooth transition when moving an elderly parent into your home. Prior to the transition, start by answering these questions:

  • How will the move affect other loved ones? For instance, will one of the children have to give up his/her bedroom and share with a brother or sister?  
  • Are there any unresolved difficulties with your aging parent that will impact your ability to provide the most effective standard of care?  
  • Do any home alterations need to be made, such as adding grab bars and railings, additional lighting, or wheelchair accessibility? 
  • Might there be a problem related to issues such as pets, smoking, or drinking, either on the part of your parent or another person in your home? 
  • Is there enough room for the senior to have designated space for privacy? 
  • If you work outside the home, who can look after the senior while you’re gone? 
  • How will vacations be handled? Will the older adult be able to travel with you, or is there a plan you can easily put into place for respite care?

Next, schedule a household meeting. This will include everyone living in the home as well as your siblings or any other family members who might want to be involved in the senior’s care. It’s important to provide everyone with the chance to air any concerns openly and honestly. After all, bringing your aging parent to your home is a life-changing event for each family member. 

After the family is in agreement and on board with the decision, talk with your parent concerning the idea. Assess whether or not the senior is thriving in the social atmosphere of a facility and if they will miss the activities and friendships. Reassure the senior that all the family is thrilled with the idea of inviting them home, and address any concerns the senior raises.

Most of all, know that you’re not alone in your new care responsibilities after moving an elderly parent into your home! CareFor is here to act as your trusted partner in care, offering just as much or as little professional home care assistance as required. 

You can reach CareFor, a top-rated Georgetown home care agency, at (512) 338-4533 any time to schedule a free in-home consultation and to let us share more about how we can help. Please visit our Service Area page to see all of the communities we serve.

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