How to Begin Discussing the Need for a Caregiver for Elderly Parents

Getting used to the idea that a senior you love requires assistance at home can be challenging. Even more challenging is talking about the need for a caregiver for elderly parents and getting them to agree that help is needed. If you have spotted changes in a loved one and you’re sensing the need to initiate a conversation about home care as a solution to ensure safety and independence in the home, try some of these conversation starters about a caregiver to broach the subject in a subtle, non-confrontational way.

If heightened frailty is growing to be a problem:

“I love you, Mom, and now that you’re living alone, I worry about your safety. I know someone who can assist us in making the home less dangerous and make it less difficult for you to get around and remain independent. Can I have her come over to have a conversation with us? It would really put my mind at rest.”

If there is a risk of falling or mobility has lessened:

“Since you fell recently, I’ve been anxious about it occurring again. I know someone who can come over and give us guidelines on how to make the house safer and prevent falls from occurring. I’d love for us to sit down and talk with her and see what ideas she has for us.”

If decreasing personal hygiene has become a problem:

“I’d love to have someone visit a couple of times a week to help you around the house. Let’s work together to find a person you’d feel comfortable with. We can work with an agency to locate someone who shares similar interests as you so you will not only have some help from time to time, but also a good friend to enjoy spending time with.”

When a senior can no longer safely drive:

“I know that being unable to drive and get out as much as you’re used to has been tough. If we hire a home care assistant for a couple of hours several times a week, you could get back to enjoying all the things that you’ve been missing, like visiting friends, shopping, and running errands.”

Keep in mind that, for many older individuals, agreeing to accept help at home can feel like giving up independence, and you may have to have several discussions before a solution is reached. At CareFor, we’re always here to partner with your family to help make life not only safer, but more enjoyable and fulfilling as well through a caregiver in Austin, TX. Give our care team a call today at (512) 338-4533 to find out more about how we provide the kind of home care and care management services, as well as the specialized caregiver in Austin, TX families trust the most.

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