Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late! Learn How Respite Care Services Alleviate Family Caregiver Burnout

Caregiving for an aging loved one, though incredibly fulfilling, can also cause family caregiver burnout. The 24/7 pressure of taking care of a loved one’s needs can rapidly escalate to a high level of stress which can lead to a loss of patience and emotionally charged outbursts, affecting not just the caregiver personally, but his/her senior loved one as well.

It’s crucial to identify if you may be in danger of developing family caregiver burnout, and to find help if needed. The following brief set of questions from our Lakeway, TX, home care experts can help you learn whether you may have crossed the line from caregiver stress to caregiver burnout:

  • Are you no longer finding joy in activities or interests?
  • Do you struggle with back pain, headaches, exhaustion, and/or feeling sad or depressed?
  • Are you getting sick more often than in the past?
  • Is your temper shorter lately, either with your senior loved one or other family and friends, in private or in public?
  • Are you lashing out at your loved one when she or he exhibits difficult behaviors?
  • Are you more emotional lately? Are you crying for little or no reason?
  • Have you gained or lost weight without trying?
  • Do you have problems with falling or staying asleep?

If your answers to these questions raise red flags, it may be time to give some thought to finding help, for both yourself and the senior you love. 

At CareFor, our specially trained and experienced caregivers can share the load by providing in-home respite care services – for a few hours per week, full-time, around-the-clock care, or anything in between, offering a much-needed break to tend to your own personal needs, enjoy some downtime to relax, and to help you to be better equipped to provide the highest quality care for your senior loved one. 

Just some of the many ways we can help include:

  • Friendly companionship for conversations and enjoyable pastimes
  • Preparing wholesome meals
  • Assisting with housework and laundry
  • Shopping for groceries and running other errands
  • Providing transportation to medical appointments and outings
  • And more

To learn more about our home care in Lakeway, TX, and the surrounding areas, call CareFor at (512) 338-4533 or contact us online. For a full list of all of the communities where we provide care, please visit our Service Area page.

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