5 Steps to Better Management of Kidney Disease

Better management of kidney disease is possible through following these five simple steps.

Hiccupping. Itching. Changes in appetite and sleep. These are just some of the seemingly innocuous red flags that might perhaps suggest kidney disease. And with as many as 20 million people in the United States alone managing the disease, plus many more who have not yet been diagnosed, it’s crucial that individuals experiencing these symptoms bring them to the attention of the health care provider.

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Diabetic Diet During the Holidays – Enjoy a Healthy Indulgence

austin senior care

The holiday season is a perfect time to reconnect with friends and family, but let’s be realistic: it can also be a time for overindulgence in unhealthy meal choices. With a multitude of rich, fatty, and sugary delicacies to choose from at every turn, it’s difficult to adhere to a healthy diabetic diet, which can result in significant health concerns for individuals with diabetes.

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