‘Tis the Season to Celebrate: Holiday Tips for Seniors

Even though the holiday season is usually viewed as a time that is joyful, abundant with visiting loved ones who are near and dear to us and selecting the perfect gifts, for older people, it can be far from merry and bright. A combination of lost loved ones, memories of holidays past, health problems, and more can hit older adults with emotions of lonesomeness and sorrow. 

At CareFor, provider of preferred home care in San Antonio, TX, we care deeply about making sure that older adults feel included in the festivities and enjoy the holidays to the fullest. The following holiday tips for seniors can help everyone enjoy the wonder of the holidays together:

  • Develop a cookbook with recipes from all family members. Accumulate all the recipes together, and then print and copy your new family cookbook.
  • Take a drive to view holiday lights in an old community that the senior grew up in.
  • If the senior has trouble taking the time to put out holiday decorations, offer to help! This is a wonderful way to share memories of past holidays and the story behind different decorations. CareFor can also provide help with holiday decorating.
  • For a holiday that is truly relaxing, set up time together at a local beauty shop or spa. You can even request a local beautician or masseuse to come to the home if it’s possible.

Safety measures may also come into play for your older loved one, for a number of reasons: heightened fall risks with all of the extra holiday decorations, difficulties with following a prescribed dietary plan, and for those with Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia, interruption to routine, extra visitors in the home, and higher noise levels can all lead to stress.

Bear the following in mind to be sure older adults stay safe and content:

  • Keep decoration safety in mind. Ensure that there are clear walking paths, and try to utilize simple, uncluttered decorations. 
  • Lower lighting can hide things that older adults could possibly trip over, like extension cords.
  • Designate a quiet area for the older person if the enthusiasm of young children, loud music, and activities become overwhelming.
  • Appoint someone to be the senior’s “buddy” for the event, making certain his or her needs are fully met and creating a bond that is beneficial for both.

The holiday season can certainly be fun and relaxing for everyone. With just a little advance planning and additional thought, seniors will enjoy the holidays as much as everyone else, creating new memories that the whole family will take pleasure in for a lifetime.

And, if in the midst of the holiday hustle and bustle you might like the help of a professional caregiver, CareFor, a leading provider of home health care in Austin, TX and the surrounding areas, is here to help! Give us a call at (512) 338-4533 to learn more about how we can brighten the holiday season for you and your family, for holiday tips for seniors, and to schedule a free consultation.

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