Helpful Holiday Tips for Caregivers

CareFor shares holiday tips for caregivers to help reduce stress this season.

The holiday season is an ideal time to get together with friends and relatives, but it’s not exactly a relaxing time of year. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season, from shopping to parties to family get-togethers, can be incredibly stressful, and when you’ve got someone to provide care for, your own duties can fall by the wayside. CareFor wants to help with some holiday tips for caregivers to make the season a little less overwhelming.

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Holiday Self-Care for Family Caregivers

Make the holidays a little easier by focusing on self-care for family caregivers.

It’s the most joyful time of the year! But, if you’re one of the millions of Americans who is caring for an older relative, the approaching holidays may seem more like the most overwhelming time of the year. Setting aside time for yourself may have dropped to the very end of your to-do checklist, but the home care specialists at CareFor would like to encourage you to think again and reprioritize your self-care! Self-care for family caregivers is vital not only during the holidays but also throughout the year.

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