Stroke recovery is an emotionally and physically challenging experience, and the only thing you wish to do is to get back to your day to day life. However, given that at least two-thirds of stroke survivors frequently have some kind of disability, as reported by the National Stroke Association, utilizing these stroke recovery tips for in-home safety alterations may be necessary to make life post-stroke safer and easier.
Senior Care Management: Be Aware of These Stroke Symptoms
Stroke, according to the National Stroke Association, is listed as the 5th leading cause of death in America, with approximately 800,000 people suffering from a stroke on an annual basis. This signifies that every 40 seconds someone somewhere in America experiences a stroke. And every 4 minutes someone dies as a result of a stroke.
Parkinson’s Disease Care 101: Tips for Family Caregivers
Many older individuals with Parkinson’s disease receive most of their care at home from loved ones, particularly during the course of the early levels of the disease. As a top provider of home care assistance in Austin, TX and the surrounding areas, we at CareFor recognize the unique concerns experienced by family members who are … Read more
Learn the Facts About Parkinson’s Disease Progression from CareFor
More common in men, and more frequently diagnosed than muscular dystrophy, ALS and MS combined, Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed in approximately 7 – 10 million people around the world, with an additional 600,000 people in America diagnosed each and every year. And while each person’s encounter with Parkinson’s differs in level of severity, there are five main stages of advancement that are routinely experienced by all.
How a Traumatic Brain Injury Can Affect Relationships
In the midst of the myriad of life changes after a traumatic brain injury (TBI), intimate relationships are affected in a number of ways as a result of: Adjustments in responsibilities Adjustments in relationship roles Problems with communicating Managing emotions and mood swings Becoming used to these changes often brings about feelings of uncertainty in … Read more
12 Post Traumatic Brain Injury Caregiving Tips for Family Caregivers
Providing post traumatic brain injury care for a loved one who’s suffered from a traumatic brain injury can be more manageable when equipped with education and understanding. The methods below, courtesy of CareFor, can decrease stress and frustration for both family caregivers and survivors.
Nurses Case Management is now CareFor
Same people. More Services. New name. Nurses Case Management is now CareFor. Watch the video to learn more about our Georgetown home care agency and the surrounding areas we serve. Contact us online or call us at (512) 338-4533 to learn more about our in-home care and care management services.